Send Email to SMS
Here is how to send emails as text message with our chrome extension:
- Install cloudHQ Chrome browser extension Send your email to any mobile number from this location:
- Add the extension to Chrome so you have the “mobile phone” button in your Gmail:
- Compose email you want to send by sms:
- Click cloudHQ “mobile phone” button near the “Send” button:
- Enter Phone number where you want to send sms. You can enter maximum of 3 numbers:
- Click “Add phone numbers” to list phone number:
- Phone number will be added:
- Click “Send” to send email by SMS:
- The receiver will see the message like this:
Forward an email to SMS
You can also easily forward any email to sms / mobile number:
- Select an email:
- Open email and click the “mobile phone” button:
- If you click the mobile phone” button, a pop-up box where you can input mobile number and personal message will appear:
- Click “Send as Text Message” to send email to mobile:
- You will get notification that email was sent to mobile number:
- A text alert will be sent to recipient. >The receiver will see the message like this:
- When the receivers clicks on the list the full content of the email will be displayed: