Here is how to change your options in a shared Gmail Label for each member:

  1. Go to
  2. Go to theĀ Share tab to check if you are the owner of the share (meaning you are the one who shared the label).

    If you are owner, you should see “Options” for members as shown:
    Gmail Label Share option

  3. Click “Options” to check what options you can enable or change on your Gmail or Google Apps label share:

    Gmail Label Share option

    For example, if you want to ensure that all newly-added emails are added to your inbox, then select this option:
    Gmail Label Share option

    Or say you do not want to automatically apply label to all messages in Gmail thread or conversation, choose this option:
    Gmail Label Share option

NOTE: This option is per-member share sync pair. If you have multiple users, then you need to change your options for each of the users you are sharing the label with.